aqua Downloads

aqua Clients

Below you will find different aqua Clients. The portable version can be helpful, if you want to run different versions of aqua at the same time.

Important note: Please follow the instructions on the wiki on how to unzip the portable Client using the default Windows zip-Tool, or else the portable Client will not start due to a security mechanism of Windows. As alternative you can use another zip-Tool, e.g. the freely available 7zip.  
Open aqua Web
aqua Client Downloads
aquaSyncConfigurator.msi (size: 59 MB)

aqua Test Automation Agents

aqua supports various tools for test automation. Using this feature, you are able to execute your aqua test cases automatically. This will save a lot of time for regularly executed test cases and it will also make the results more comparable.

Follow this link in order to find detailed documentation on how to set up and configure aqua automation agents.

Please note: Installing an agent might not be enough. Depending on what kind of agent you are testing, you need to install the test tool of the third party vendor. This holds for Ranorex, SoapUI, HP QTP, HP UFT and JMeter.
aqua Agent Downloads

API-Url (needed to configure each agent properly): (size: 44Mb) (size: 44Mb)
aquaJenkinsPlugin- (size: 3Mb) (size: 46Mb) (size: 42Mb) (size: 42Mb) (size: 41Mb) (size: 41Mb) (size: 4Mb) (size: 41Mb) (size: 4Mb)

Chrome extension - Capture

Capture is a powerful assistant in Chrome that helps you run your manual tests on any webpage.

Follow this link in order to download the package and check our documentation on how to set up and use the extension.

We would much appreciate it if you send us your feedback to and help us improve the extension to make it even more efficient and useful.

aqua API


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